WITCOM 2016: IoT & IoE

The International Congress of { Telematics & Computing }

November 9,10, 11 [ Silao, Guanajuato, MEXICO ]

Informe de talleres y opciones de hospedaje

Computation, Telecom & Telematics


This edition WITCOM 2016 will be celebrated in Silao, Guanajuato, with the support of UPIIG-IPN. WITCOM aims bringing together researchers, developers, users, entrepreneurs and practitioners to discuss and present trend topics and novelty systems based on {telematics}, {computing} and {communications}, fostering interdisciplinary discussions and research in all aspects of Telematics.

  • Keynotes by international researchers in the fields of computer science, networks and telecom
  • Conferences by leaders of the informatics and telecom industry
  • Meeting point of ideas, interdisciplinary projects and networking!

Call for papers


Abstract Submission

August 14, 2016 (Midnight PT)


Paper Submission

August 31, 2016 (Midnight PT)

Deadline September 7, 2016 (Midnight PT)


Acceptance notification

September 18, 2016 (Midnight PT)

September 21, 2016 (Midnight PT)


Camera Ready

September 30, 2016 (Midnight PT)

October 9, 2016 (Midnight PT)

Keynote speakers


M. en C. Noe Sierra

Titulo:Trends in IoT ...


Dr. Erik Zamora (CIC-IPN)

Titulo: Navegación Autónoma, el Elemento Clave en la Economía del Futuro ...(mas...)


Dr. Alexander Gelbukh (CIC-IPN)

Análisis de sentimientos de Internet y redes sociales...(...)


Dr. Hugo Jimenez Hernandez CIDESI

Tendencias y Oportunidades en Investigación en Sistemas Distribuidos Multi-camara ...(mas...)


Susana Tapia

Innovation in Cisco, there´s never been a better time ...


Dr. David Duffett

Titulo: Asterisk: A story of hope and encouragement ...(mas...)


Prof. Israel Cordero (Universidad de Chile)

Comunidades twitter fantasmas...(mas...)


Dr. Carlos Vladimir Luna Soto (CIC-IPN)

Panorama actual de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica...(...)


Dr. Gilberto Lorenzo Martínez Luna (CIC-IPN)

¿Qué es Big Data y por qué es importante contar con una solución Big Data? ...(...)


Dr.Luis Muños

Seguridad física en las instalaciones de las ti...(mas...)


Dr. Imelda Escamilla Bouchán (CIC-IPN)

Panorama actual de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica...(...)


Venue for 2016: Silao, Guanajuato, Mexico

Silao is a center of agricultural and industrial activity in the area, with a wide variety of farm crops. Guanajuato is an antique miner city whose magical streets invite anyone wandering into its beautiful architecture and cosy spots. Declared Humanity Heritage by UNESCO, the past blends with the present in every corner

General chairs

Telematics Academy, UPIITA-IPN

Mobile Computing Laboratory

Dr. Miguel Félix Mata Rivera

M. en C. Carlos Hernández Nava
